The Foundation receives many applications and they are reviewed in the order in which they are received. The Foundation is committed to mindfully reviewing each application. We encourage you to submit your application as early in the year as possible.
Applications are accepted year-round. Refer to the application deadlines for planning purposes.
You are welcome to contact the Foundation office any time throughout the process.
Applications are pre-screened to make sure they qualify for funding (see What We Fund) and all required information has been included (see page one of the application). If we identify an issue, our staff will contact you. Missing information may delay the review of your application.
Once screened, applications are reviewed by the Trustees. You may be contacted during this time if there are questions regarding your application or clarification is needed. This can take several weeks. The reviewer(s) share their recommendations with the Board prior to the vote to ensure all questions and concerns can be addressed.
The Board of Trustees votes to approve or decline funding for each application. Rarely, unforeseen circumstances cause a Board meeting to be delayed or canceled. Applicants are notified by email of any such delay.
Applicants are notified by mail in the week following the vote as to whether their funding request was been approved or declined .
Next step: Grant Authorization